The World Outside My Window

Performed by: Sisonke Art Productions

No director listed

No playwright listed

This is a tale that shows the cruelty of life, and how if you don’t respect life or don’t have a direction, you will not succeed. It tackles themes like abortion, unprotected sex with multiple partners, peer pressure, irresponsible teenage parenting, school drop outs and the importance of education in life.


45 minutes
Recommended Age:
12 years+ No max grade set
Recommended Grade:
Grade 6 – Grade 12
English (first language) / Ndebele (second language)
Curriculum Connection:
Dramatic Arts, Life Orientation/Life Skills
Themes Covered:
Abuse, Choices, Death, Family dynamics, Group dynamics (peer pressure), HIV-Aids, Identity, Illness and Disease, Imagination, Intra/interpersonal conflicts, Life skills, Loss, Morality, Other, Poverty, Relationships, Self-image, Sexuality, Substance abuse, Suicide, Survival