The World Outside My Window
Performed by: Sisonke Art Productions
No director listed
No playwright listed
This is a tale that shows the cruelty of life, and how if you don’t respect life or don’t have a direction, you will not succeed. It tackles themes like abortion, unprotected sex with multiple partners, peer pressure, irresponsible teenage parenting, school drop outs and the importance of education in life.
- Duration:
- 45 minutes
- Recommended Age:
- 12 years+ No max grade set
- Recommended Grade:
- Grade 6 – Grade 12
- Language(s):
- English (first language) / Ndebele (second language)
- Curriculum Connection:
- Dramatic Arts, Life Orientation/Life Skills
- Themes Covered:
- Abuse, Choices, Death, Family dynamics, Group dynamics (peer pressure), HIV-Aids, Identity, Illness and Disease, Imagination, Intra/interpersonal conflicts, Life skills, Loss, Morality, Other, Poverty, Relationships, Self-image, Sexuality, Substance abuse, Suicide, Survival