Waterval (LIM) Limpopo

Schools, Theatre Companies and Facilitators in Waterval (LIM), Limpopo.

Waterval is a residential township in front of Elim Hospital, it is situated in the Hlanganani district of the former Tsonga homeland of Gazankulu, alongside the R578 road to Giyani in Limpopo. Waterval includes Njhakanjhaka, Lemana, Elim Hospital, Elim Mall, Hubyeni Shopping centre, Magangeni but excludes Shirley village, which is a separate and stand alone farm, sharing a legal boundary with Waterval and Mbhokota village to the east. It is part of Njhakanjhaka Traditional Authority or Elim/Shirley Traditional Authority, which also includes Mbhokota, Bokisi, Chavani, Riverplaats and Nwaxinyamani.

Estimated Population: 8930

District Municipality: Waterberg District Municipality

Local Municipality: Mogalakwena Local Municipality

Provincial Representative: ​Keitumetse Tlokana, keitumetse@nullassitej.org.za

No schools registered in this city yet.
No theatres registered in this city yet.
No facilitators registered in this city yet.
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