Kutama (AKA Ha-Sinthumule, Dzanani 2) Limpopo

Schools, Theatre Companies and Facilitators in Kutama (AKA Ha-Sinthumule, Dzanani 2), Limpopo.

This is a "supervillage", consisting of the following villages:

Ha-Sinthumule: Magau, Tshikhwani, Madombidzha, Tshiozwi, Gogobole, Ha-Ramahantsha, Ha-Ravele, Madabani, Muraleni, Ha-Vhangani, Ha-Maelula.

Ha-Kutama: Ha-Madodonga, Ha-Manavhela, Maebane, Tshikwarani, Samukomu, Muduluni, Ha-Makhitha, Midoroni

District Municipality: Vhembe District Municipality

Local Municipality: Makhado Local Municipality

Provincial Representative: ​Keitumetse Tlokana, keitumetse@nullassitej.org.za

No schools registered in this city yet.
No theatres registered in this city yet.
No facilitators registered in this city yet.
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