Lenyenye Limpopo
Schools, Theatre Companies and Facilitators in Lenyenye, Limpopo.
Lenyenye is a township in the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality of the Mopani District Municipality in Limpopo. It is located about 20 km southeast of the town of Tzaneen. It is the home of the Northern Sotho tribe of Bakgaga ba ga Maake tribe. The neighbouring township of Nkowankowa lies directly north of Lenyenye.
Estimated Population: 11143
District Municipality: Mopani District Municipality
Local Municipality: Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality
Provincial Representative: Keitumetse Tlokana, keitumetse@nullassitej.org.za
No schools registered in this city yet.
No theatres registered in this city yet.
No facilitators registered in this city yet.