Dutywa (AKA Idutywa) Eastern Cape

Schools, Theatre Companies and Facilitators in Dutywa (AKA Idutywa), Eastern Cape.

Dutywa (formerly Idutywa) is a town in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, formerly part of the Transkei bantustan. It is the birthplace of Thabo Mbeki, who became President of South Africa in 1999. It is 35 kilometres north of Gcuwa (formerly known as Butterworth) on the N2 road. Dutywa is the seat of the Mbhashe Municipality in the Amatole District. Dutywa is an inland located town and an economic center to the nearest coastal town Willowvale Gatyane. The economic contributions to this town mostly come from the agriculture, education and the rapidly developing infrastructure.

Estimated Population: 15000

District Municipality: Amathole District Municipality

Local Municipality: Mbhashe Local Municipality

Provincial Representative: Masixole Heshu, masixole@nullassitej.org.za

No schools registered in this city yet.
No theatres registered in this city yet.
No facilitators registered in this city yet.
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