Bethulie (incl Lephoi) Free State

Schools, Theatre Companies and Facilitators in Bethulie (incl Lephoi), Free State.

Bethulie is a small sheep and cattle farming town in the Free State. The name meaning chosen by God was given by directors of a mission station in 1829 which the town formed around. The mission building is the oldest settler built building still standing in the Free State. The town was also home to one of the largest concentration camps run by the British during the Boer War. Includes the township of Lephoi.

Estimated Population: 7000

District Municipality: Xhariep District Municipality

Local Municipality: Kopanong Local Municipality

Provincial Representative: ​Styx Mokejane,

No schools registered in this city yet.
No theatres registered in this city yet.
No facilitators registered in this city yet.
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